Reconnecting the world one family at a time.

Get Started: Explore Your Family Tree

Develop a Research Plan for your Traditional Family Research Project. Send us all your background materials and your desired goal. We will review them and collaborate with you to develop your goal and research plan. Package includes development of research goal, detailed research plan and a proposal for research with us: $150*

Build Your Family Tree

Buy a research plan and a ten-hour block of research for your family history. Send us all your background materials and your desired goal. We will review them and collaborate with you to develop your goal and research plan. After you approve the goal and research plan, we will proceed with ten hours of research on the project. Package includes a Research Plan, 10 hours of research, $100 administrative fees,* and a summary report: $1000.**

Build Your Family Tree plus DNA

Buy a research plan and 15 hours of research incorporating DNA analysis as part of the package. Send us all your background materials, access to your DNA test results (if completed) and your desired goal. We will review them and collaborate with you to develop a research plan. After you approve the goal and research plan, we will proceed with fifteen hours of research on the project. Package includes a Research Plan, 15 hours of research, a fully-cited report and genetic tree chart: $1375

*Applies to research in green coverage areas. Yellow coverage area research plans are $250. See Coverage Map for more details. **Administrative fees may be more if travel is required.

Forensic Services

Our forensic services are focused on heir and real estate research for restoration, reclamation, restitution and reparations for inhumanities and social injustices. Our current projects efforts are focused on property rights restoration for Holocaust victims and/or their heirs and for reparations for displaced African American communities in the United States.

Please call (202) 743-2042 or fill out our contact form and select forensic genealogy services. Our fees are $90/hour for these services. We do not work on a contingency basis. We do not provide law-enforcement related services.